bitcoin money


The children in Bitdorf realize that they need a medium of exchange in order to be able to trade with each other. As they investigate different types of money, a mysterious boy moves to town and proposes a new idea…

Bitcoin Money is an all-ages story designed to answer the question “Why Bitcoin?” contributes.

The orange pill

Orange Pille

Why Bitcoin is far more than just a new money by Ijoma Mangold?

In his book, literary critic Ijoma Mangold reveals why he too was infected by the hype surrounding cryptocurrency.

In the movie “Matrix”, the hero has to decide whether to take the blue or the red pill. The blue one makes him forget, the red one makes him realize the truth about the world. Based on this, Bitcoin is called “the orange pill”, because anyone who deals with it becomes aware of the power of Wall Street and central banks in our world. And Bitcoin promises liberation from this: it is independent of central authorities such as banks and cannot be manipulated by them. Mangold describes with knowledge and passion how even he, the literary critic, fell under the fascination of Bitcoin and why it is not just a digital currency, but a system of freedom and justice.

(L)earn Bitcoin –
Understand and Earn Bitcoin


The book “(L)earn Bitcoin – Understanding and Earning Bitcoin provides a quick and well-founded introduction. There are in-depth answers on why and how to start understanding and using Bitcoin.

The clear structure of the book and the smooth transition from one topic to the next make it easier to understand the basics of Bitcoin. No previous technical or financial knowledge is required. The book does not require complicated technical language and is therefore a perfect guide for anyone interested in the most well-known cryptocurrency.

The Little Bitcoin Book


You’ve probably heard about Bitcoin in the news or heard your friends or colleagues talking about it. Why does the price keep changing? Is Bitcoin a Good Investment? How can bitcoin have any value at all? Why do people keep talking about it like it’s going to change the world?

The Little Bitcoin Book describes what is wrong with today’s money and why Bitcoin was invented to offer an alternative to the current system. It describes in simple terms what bitcoin is, how it works, why bitcoin is valuable, and how it impacts individual freedom and opportunity for people around the world. This book also includes a Q&A section with some of the most frequently asked questions about Bitcoin.

If you want to learn more about this new form of money that is gaining interest and acceptance around the world, then this book is for you.


Keep and inherit bitcoins


What happens to your bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies if you have a serious accident, become demented or die? If you don’t settle your digital estate in time, your cryptoassets will be lost forever. In his practical guide, digital expert and bitcoin consultant Marc Steiner shows clearly and to the point how to keep and inherit your bitcoins safely.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced user: he will guide you step by step to a reliable estate plan tailored to your individual needs. In addition to the basics of Bitcoin, you will learn in Steiner’s guide:
• How to store your bitcoins using wallets
• How to protect your bitcoins against theft
• How to protect your IT systems from hackers
• How to plan, implement and manage your digital Bitcoin legacy.

Together with the guide, you get a secure online tool that takes a lot of the work out of your personal estate planning. Also included is a guide for your heirs. In this way, they know what to do with your digital estate, should the worst come to the worst. After reading, your personal bitcoin legacy is secured. Feel good.

The Bitcoin standard


In The Bitcoin Standard, economist Saifedean Ammous guides the reader through the fascinating history of different forms of money. He explores what gave these different technologies their monetary status and how they lost it, what this teaches us about the desirable properties of money, and how Bitcoin seeks to fulfill them.

Ammous explains the economic, social, cultural and political benefits of sound money and contrasts them with our current monetary system. This creates an informed debate about the meaningful role Bitcoin could play in the future of the global economy. Rather than attributing it the role of a currency for criminals or a cheap payment network for the masses, this book describes bitcoin as an emerging, decentralized, politically neutral, and free-market alternative to national central banks. An alternative that has potentially huge implications for the freedom and prosperity of every individual.

For anyone wanting to get a clear picture of this new digital money, The Bitcoin Standard is an essential resource.

21 Lessons – My Journey Down the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole


This is a slightly more unusual book. But hey, Bitcoin is a slightly more unusual technology, so a more unusual book on Bitcoin might be appropriate. This book came about because of a simple question: “What have you learned from Bitcoin?” I believe Bitcoin is the most important invention of our time and more people need to understand the nature of this invention.

Bitcoin is still one of the most misunderstood phenomena of our modern world and it took me years to fully appreciate the importance of this alien technology. Realizing what bitcoin is and how it will transform our society is a profound experience.


Master Bitcoin


Mastering Bitcoin is the guide through the complex world of Bitcoin. It contains a comprehensive introduction to Bitcoin and the underlying blockchain.

The technical basics of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies and the details of the decentralized Bitcoin network, the peer-to-peer architecture, the transaction life cycle and the security principles are clearly explained.

(book in English)

Mastering the Lightning Network


The Lightning Network, a layer two payment protocol, works alongside Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to enable near-instant transactions between two parties.

In this practical guide, authors Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Olaoluwa Osuntokun, and Rene Pickhardt explain how this advance is enabling the next level of Bitcoin’s scaling.

(book in English)